Part Number: YV0J08PFLR / Vendor ID Number: 1174741 / Custom:
Rings Mosaic Sculpture, Series I, Blue, White Marble Base, 15&34;H JRA-14349

Rings Mosaic Sculpture, Series I, Blue, White Marble Base, 15&34;H JRA-14349
by John-Richard JRA-14349

Pack Of: 1
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Product Specification
Height: 15.00"
Width: 6.25"
Product Overview
This magnificent accent piece showcases textural depth and a beautiful color palette that will greatly elevate an interior space. Rings of natural cyanite stone form a gorgeous ringed mosaic that showcases alluring shades of blue and green. The piece is supported by a cubic base of marble, matched by a thin marble border that surrounds the cyanite centerpiece. A slender rod of polished brass separates the base from the mosaic, providing a lovely juxtaposition between shiny metallics and rugged natural stone. A gorgeous statement piece on its own, the Cyanite Rings Mosaic Sculpture can also be placed alongside its alternate variant to further elevate the look.
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