Part Number: YV0J08PLFE / Vendor ID Number: 1174741 / Custom:
amp, 1-Light, Brass, Clear Acrylic Base, White Oval Shade, 29&34;H JRL-10704

amp, 1-Light, Brass, Clear Acrylic Base, White Oval Shade, 29&34;H JRL-10704
by John-Richard JRL-10704

Pack Of: 1
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Product Specification
Height: 29.00"
Width: 12.00"
Product Overview
This artistic turnkey lamp features a striking ovate profile in a brass finish with textural etchings across the entirety of the body. The center of the piece displays alluring bevels that line the interior, providing subtle juxtaposition to the curvaceous silhouette. A rounded base of clear acrylic provides the piece with stable support, as well as providing tasteful contrast to the warm metallic tones. The hardware and finial, also in brass, complete the look and provide a consistent motif throughout the piece.
Product Availability
    Item is usually in stock, but we'll be in touch if there's a problem
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